CORE (Coalition of Race Equality Organisations)
CORE, the Coalition of Race Equality Organisations, is comprised of a number of the leading organisations within the UK Black Asian and Minority Ethnic, voluntary and community sector. CORE acts as a collective voice to lobby government, influence policy, and raise awareness of issues of inequality that permeate society. Priority areas include housing, health, criminal justice, education, employment, and political engagement and representation.
The Secretariat for CORE is provided by a partnership between Race on the Agenda (ROTA) and Voice4Change England (V4CE). The two organisations have close ties and significant experience of servicing networks of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic led organisations to campaign on race equality issues.
CORE’s current membership is outlined below:
- Alliance for Inclusive Education (ALLFIE)
- Action for Race Equality
- Black South West Network
- Blacksox
- BME National
- Caribbean and African Health Network
- Council of Somali Organisations
- Croydon BME Forum
- Friends, Families and Travellers
- Greater Manchester BAME Network
- Lancashire BME Network
- Migrants’ Rights Network
- NHS BME Network
- Operation Black Vote
- Positive Action in Housing
- Race on the Agenda
- Race Equality Foundation
- Race Equality Matters
- Runnymede Trust
- South Asian Health Action
- Steering Group for London Race Equality Councils
- The Traveller Movement
- Ubele
- Voice4Change England
In 2020/2021, CORE has responded to a number of government consultations, and co-ordinated open letters to the government (initiated by individual members), on issues including:
- Institutional racism in the Home Office, in response to the Windrush Lessons Learned Review publication.
- The impact of COVID-19 on the BAME VCS sector
- Supporting vulnerable migrants during the coronavirus pandemic
- Race bias in predicted GCSE and A-Level Grades
- The Criminalisation of trespass and eviction of unauthorised camps, and the adverse impact on the Gypsy and Traveller community
If you would like to join the CORE network or for more information, please contact Karun Maudgil, CORE Development Officer at
Find out more about CORE’s work: