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A catalyst for change

The Black Health manifesto was launched at an event in London on the 1 August 2024 in a room full of passionate folk keen to ensure that racism is a public health issue that needs tackling now. 

ROTA were immensely proud to support Black Mental Health Workers Alliance (BMHWA) who unveiled this historical and groundbreaking work with its aim of tackling mental health disparities within Black and global majority communities across the UK. ROTA is even more fortunate as one of our current Trustees: Kadra Abdinasir is part of the Black Health manifesto Team.

The Black Health manifesto calls for “structural reforms to tackle disparities in mental health for Black people, a crucial stride toward achieving equity and providing improved support for Black mental health”.

The proposals in the manifesto strive to increase the accessibility to culturally sensitive mental health services, improve mental health literacy, and challenge  racial discrimination within mental health environment.

On its website  it states that “The Black Mental Health Manifesto was born out of the collective efforts of the Black Mental Health and Well Being Alliance – a coalition made up of individuals and groups, including Black and racialised people with lived experience, caregivers, practitioners, researchers and representatives from community organisations and national charities. We joined forces, drawing upon our unique perspectives and expertise, to delve into the evidence, refine existing recommendations, and creating new ones with the shared aim of addressing the pressing issues facing Black mental health”.