In 2006, ROTA commenced research on the Restoring Relations Project (RRP): Addressing Hate Crime through Restorative Justice, which involved desk-based research and 20 in-depth face to face interviews. In April 2008 the RRP released its findings and recommendations.
One of the key messages from the research was the need to establish a cross-sector multi-agency forum that will act as a one stop shop for agencies that deal with hate crime providing expertise and coordination. This project will be delivered through a cross sector multi-agency partnership steered by a Forum chaired by Criminal Prosecution Service London and consisting of members such as Metropolitan Police Association, Association of Chief Police Officers, Victim Support, Metropolitan Support Trust, and the Lesbian and Gay Coalition Against Racist and others.
Transformative justice is a general strategy for responding to conflicts. It takes the principles and practices of restorative justice beyond the criminal justice system. The transformative justice project builds on ROTA's experience working with criminal and restorative justice policies and practices which identified gaps within practices and policies that target highly victimisation level groups particularly from the BAME sector.
The main elements of the project are to:
- Coordinate links and communications channels between statutory, public and private sector agencies working with HVL (highly victimisation level groups).
- Build a database of voluntary and community sector organisations (VCS) and statutory agencies working with highly victimisation levels (HVL) groups in London.
- Raise awareness and communicate to second tier agencies, service providers and people affected by abuse and hate crimes information on policy, best practice, publications, resources, events and sign posting services within London.
One Stop- Shop (work in progress)
- The Transformative Justice Project will act as a 'one stop-shop' for local authorities, the police, Crown Prosecution and others who require expertise pertaining hate crime groups providing cross – sector guidance. We are looking forward to creating realistic action plans that will be acted upon to effect positive change in policy and practice.
- The Transformative Justice Forum will share best practice and improve the scope for multi-agency partnership.
- Will develop sound policy for the needs of affected groups.
- We will be sending out bi monthly E-Newsletters
- We will be Producing a series of publications to increase the awareness of the Criminal Justice System and support services for victims
For further information please contact Anthony Salla.