Our work targets policy and legislation affecting Britain's BAME communities and the BAME and equality third sector. Since its inception in 1984, ROTA's focus has been policy development, representation, awareness raising and training. Our work is evidence based and informed by the experiences of BAME communities. We collect this evidence through:

  • research (desk research, qualitative and quantitative original fieldwork with interviews, questionnaires and focus groups)
  • the ROTA based networks MiNet and TJF and external networks
  • national and regional events and consultations
  • partnership work and membership to national and regional policy and decision making bodies

We inform and consult our members, and influence key decision makers by:

  • Carrying out and publishing in-depth research
  • Publishing the twice-yearly magazine, Agenda
  • Publishing a twice-yearly peer-reviewed journal, Policy & Race
  • Producing monthly policy e-newsletters
  • Producing policy briefings on specific topics
  • Holding national and regional events
  • Representing BAME communities and the BAME third sector on various national and regional forums and networks
  • Responding to government consultations

Our aim is to influence changes for more equitable treatment for all citizens by focusing on specific policy areas. Our current priority policy areas are:

  • Criminal and restorative justice
  • Pan-equalities and human rights
  • The BAME and equality third sector
  • Health inequalities, education and employment
  • Regional and national governance

As our publications show, past policy areas have included homelessness and regeneration. ROTA's policy team continues to review and develop work within the London and wider policy and funding environment.

If you would like further information about ROTA's policy team please contact Rahana Mohammed at rahanna@rota.org.uk or call 020 7902 1177.