ROTA Comments 2010 – 2013

  • Findings and Recommendations from the Shaping the Future Seminar Series, November 2011 – February 2013 (October 2013) – This draft discussion paper summarises the key findings and recommendations from the seminar series. Read the full Findings amd Recommendations  here.
  • ROTA Briefing (March 2012) In November 2011 the Mayor’s Education Inquiry was launched to examine key challenges for education in London and make recommendations for practical action with key partners including the boroughs, schools and policy-makers. Read the full briefing here. 
  • The Importance of Teaching: A ROTA brief on the Schools White Paper (December 2010) – The government has announced a wide-ranging series of reforms to education with the launch of the new Schools White Paper, The Importance of Teaching. ROTA welcomes the White Paper's emphasis on the need to address attainment gaps and educational disadvantage. However, we are deeply concerned with the lack of emphasis in the White Paper on race equality and the duties schools should adhere to in relation to the Equality Act 2010. We are also pleased that the White Paper identifies the need to address inequality in relation to exclusion. Yet it presents no adequate alternatives to exclusion. Similarly, the emphasis on free schools and academies overlooks research that shows these schools can exacerbate inequality. As a result, we believe there is considerable risk that the proposals will lead to a segregated schools system. This could take the form of alternative systems where current evidence indicates there is a significant risk of poorer services leading to poorer outcomes for BAME pupils. Read more here.
  • ROTA's comment on London Councils decision to cut London VCS funding (November 2010) – Read our comment on London Councils ut will reduce the current London Boroughs Grant Scheme from £26.4 million to a core scheme of £9.875 million – a cut of £16.875 million, or 63.5%. Borough Leaders will be free to use the saved funds for any purpose they want. Read our comment here.
  • ROTA's comment on announced changes to non departmental public bodies (October 2010) – Race on the Agenda (ROTA) welcomes the Government's move to retain the Equality and Human Rights Commission's (EHRC) core regulatory role. Read our comment here.
  • ROTA's comment on the Academies Act 2010 (September 2010) – Read our comment on what the Academies Act means for the future of education here.
  • The Health White Paper: Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS (September 2010) – The White Paper proposes one of the biggest reforms of the health service ever seen. Read our guide here.