Race on the Agenda: Supplement (Spring 2011) The Equality Act 2010

supplement spring 2011 cover'Equality Act there for the shaping' says new ROTA publication

The Equality Act 2010 can make a difference, provided local communities work collectively to make it work for them, argues a new publication from Race on the Agenda (ROTA). In ROTA's latest Supplement publication, The Equality Act 2010: What difference does it make?, experts from the voluntary sector talk about the importance of the Act for protected groups and the practical steps we can take to make it work for us. The range of topics, from HIV and employment to disability, dispel perceptions of the Act as either a cumbersome hunk of legislation or an inaccessible, unenforceable writ of law. Instead, the authors, with caution, point to examples of success and conclude that, as with many things in the sector, it really is up to us.

Download the Supplement here.