Female Voice in Violence and Building Bridges Project
Since 2006 ROTA has developed work on the impact of serious youth violence, gangs and serious group offending on BAME communities. In order to create an evidence base from which we draw recommendations, ROTA has developed two research programmes and one coalition which looks at these issues; these are the Building Bridges Project (2006-2008), the Female Voice in Violence (FVV) National Research Programme (2009-2011) and the Female Voice in Violence (FVV) coalition (2008-2013).
Engaging in Policy
ROTA communicates evidence its research to policymakers, with representation on bodies such as the London Serious Youth Violence Board's Practitioner's Forum and the Youth Justice Board's Regional Gangs Forum, as well as third sector groups such as the Nia Project's Safer Choice's Advisory Group.
We have also taken part in numerous consultations including:
- Home Office Gang Injunctions (2009)
- DCSF Safeguarding Children and Young People (2009)
- The Way Forward, GLA (2009)
- HM Government Violence Against Women Strategy (2009)
- Time For Action, GLA (2008)
- Department for Health Framework for Violence and Abuse Prevention (2008/09)
- London Youth Crime Prevention Board Strategy (2008)
- Home Affairs Select Committee into Knife Crime (2008)
- Street Weapons Commission Enquiry (2008)
- Home Affairs Select Committee into Gun Crime (2007)
As well as contribute to external publications and deliver workshops and presentations at local, regional and national conferences.
ROTA's work on serious youth violence has also been highlighted by the media, and we have taken part in programmes raising awareness of the issues such as BBC London News, Sky One War on Knives, Children and Young People Now Magazine, Channel 4 '3 Minute Wonders', Choice FM News and 'Silent Victims Special', LBC News, Radio 4 Westminster Show, RTL News and Dispatches.
For more information on Female Voice in Violence or Building Bridges please contact Rahana Mohammed, Head of Policy.