At the Intersections of Race and Class: Strengthening BMER voices in challenging discrimination and socio-economic disadvantage
On 20th November 2017, ROTA held a one day conference to explore multi-disciplinary approaches to tackling inequality at the intersections of race and class. At the conference we heard from legal experts on the domestic and international legislative framework protecting socio-economic rights. In addition to this, speakers also included those who have successfully used collective action as a means of ensuring access to justice and enforcing socio-economic rights. This was an interactive conference bringing together academics, lawyers, campaigners and the voluntary and community sector.
This conference came at a time where in spite of equality and socio-economic rights being guaranteed in law, discrimination and inequality has been on the rise and it has become ever more difficult to access justice. Unison's success in challenging employment tribunal fees, SOAS student action for justice for workers on zero hour contracts, and collective action of social housing residents across London challenging discrimination and inequality in housing, has demonstrated the importance of collective action in ensuring access to justice and enforcing socio economic rights for those who are marginalised on the grounds of race and class.
Guest Speakers:
- Andy Bates, Leathermarket JMB
- Professor Colm O'Cinneide, University College of London
- Catherine Rayner, 7BR Chambers & Discrimination Law Association
- Gordon Futter, Grenfell Campaign
- Harish Patel, Unite the Union
- Ian Redding, Southwark CVS
- Jamie Burton, Doughty Street Chambers
- Koldo Casla, Just Fair
- Mariam Camilla Rechand, SOAS alumni
- Sally Causer, Southwark Law Centre
- Samia Badani, Bramley House Residents Association
- Shantha David, UNISON
- Svetlana Kotova, Disability Justice Programme
- Wilf Sulivan, Trade Union Congress
See the full event programme HERE
Speakers Presentation:
Poornima Karunacadacharan, Race and Class
Jamie Burton, Race and Class in Housing
Ian Redding, Mobilising Collective Action
Mariam Camilla Rechand, Justice for Workers