2 November 2012 from 9.45am-4.00pm, Voluntary Action Islington, 200a Pentonville Road, London N1 9JP
Following thought-provoking debates at the Shaping the Future seminars, this day of action on education will:
- Support young people and their parents, carers, teachers and governors to address educational inequalities
- Facilitate a discussion about educational inequality, between communities and those with statutory responsibilities related to education, following widespread policy reforms and public spending cuts.
This event is now fully booked except for Islington-based residents or organisations. To book a place as an Islington-based resident or organisation or to be added to the waiting list, please email barbara@rota.org.uk.
Due to the level of interest in this event, we will be unable to accommodate those who have not booked a place but turn up on the day.
The 2011/12 seminar series, ‘Shaping the Future: Race and racism in 21st century Britain’ highlighted growing concern about the potential impact of educational reforms and public spending cuts on educational equality. BAME (Black, Asian and minority ethnic) young people and parents called for support to enable them to have greater influence on education. Teachers called for more support to enable them to teach even more effectively in multi-cultural classrooms. This event is part of a range of activity ROTA and partners are planning in response.
Who is the day for?
The event is for children, young people and their families, supplementary schools, voluntary sector organisations, trainee teachers, teachers, headteachers, governors, and others with educational interests and responsibilities.
What will happen?
The day will start with inspirational speakers sharing their views on what needs to be done to address current educational challenges. Then participants will be supported to address inequalities at a practical level through one of the following workshops:
- Parents – how to get the most out of your child’s school
- Young people – making your school/college work for you
- Teachers and trainee teachers – how to get the most out of your pupils/students
- Developing supplementary education
To close, a panel discussion will take place with representatives from statutory agencies with educational responsibilities.
Chair, speakers, panelists and facilitators
Simon Israel, Home Affairs Correspondent, Channel 4 News will chair the event. Confirmed speakers, panelists and workshop facilitators include:Andrew Mohammed, Westside Young Leaders Academy; Councillor Caroline Needham, London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham; David Lister, Southwark Council; Frankie Sulke, Lewisham Council and Panel Member of the Mayor of London's Education Inquiry; Professor Gus John; Graham Smith, Islington Council; Involver; Jennette Arnold AM, London Assembly Member for North East London and Chair of the London Assembly; The Mayor of Islington, Councillor Jilani Chowdry; Karen Buck MP, Shadow Minister for Education; Patricia Lamour, Aspire Education; Pascale Vassie, the National Resource Centre for Supplementary Education; Councillor Rakhia Ismail, London Borough of Islington; Dr Rob Berkley, The Runnymede Trust; Dr Tony Sewell, Director of Generating Genius and Chair of the Mayor of London's Education Inquiry.
Creche: A limited number of creche places will be available and must be booked in advance.
- Band A - free places available for parents, young people, students and small voluntary sector organisations (with income less than £50,000 per annum). If you feel you should be eligible but do not fall within these categories please contact Barbara on barbara@rota.org.uk or 020 7842 8531 to inquire about a free place
- Band B - £10 for organisations (with income more than £50,000 per annum).
Payment details will be sent once you’ve booked your place.
This event is now fully booked except for Islington-based residents or organisations. To book a place as an Islington-based resident or organisation or to be added to the waiting list, please email barbara@rota.org.uk.