
How to genuinely consult refugee communities

NHS England is consulting community members and community-led organisations on their Long Term Plan. The Local Healthwatch in Hounslow has been commissioned to undertake consultations to hear from "disadvantaged groups" about their experiences with the NHS. Being consulted is not a new experience for our partner organisations on the Active Lives, Healthy Minds project, a…


Theresa May’s mental health act reform: Warm words but scant action

You may well have missed it under the Brexit deluge but Theresa May announced a major reform of the Mental Health Act this month – the first for 30 years. She had commissioned Sir Simon Wessely, Regius Professor of Psychiatry at King’s College London and president of the Royal Society of Medicine to examine the…


The selective amnesia of Trevor Phillips could lead us down the path to civil disorder

A number of people have approached me with regards to Trevor Phillips recent article in the Mail newspaper calling for the police to be made exempt of race equality laws to allow them to carry out more stop and search operations on predominantly young black boys in areas with high levels of violent crime. This…


Review of the Mental Health Act fails to put ‘Race’ on its Agenda for change, but acknowledges the reality of institutional racism in the mental health system

The report by Simon Wessely, former president of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, is headed ‘Modernising the Mental Health Act’ and subtitled ‘increasing choice, reducing compulsion’. There is nothing we can object to in this report except that it fails to recommend any legislative changes at all that would reduce institutional racism. And this is…

Scenes from the right wing demo in defence of extremist Tommy Robinson pic credit: You Tube

Official figures reveal a disturbing rise in right wing extremism among UK youth

The somewhat violent demonstration in London this weekend in support of jailed right wing extremist Tommy Robinson was foreshadowed by figures released under three months ago by the Home Office. The figures come from the highly controversial Prevent programme which most people see as a plan to catch young people  being radicalised by so called…


Theresa May’s risky gamble with reforming an ”institutionally racist” mental health act

With very little publicity and dwarfed by Brexit  Theresa May has committed herself to a major reform of the Mental Health Act. Last year she convened a meeting at Downing Street and appointed a former president of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, Sir Simon Wessely. to conduct a review. This month it published an interim…


What Happens When Meghan Markle’s Blackness loses its Sparkle?

Symbols are important. For some people, seeing Meghan Markle marry into the monarchy, while a Black preacher expounded the word and a Black Choir sang at the ceremony, was viewed as ushering in a new area of racialised harmony and black cultural acceptance at all levels of British society. If blackness is acceptable to the…


Walter Rodney Lives!

Seminal is a word frequently used to describe 'How Europe Under-developed Africa', Walter Rodney’s opus magnum that swiftly extended itself far beyond its academic crucible when published in 1972. Not since Frantz Fanon’s 'Wretched of the Earth' had a writer so widely transformed how Africa was seen and researched. Rodney’s gift was his ability to…


A psychiatrist’s damning indictment of 500 years of racism – now revived by Trump and 9/11

Suman Fernando is a gentle soft spoken  consultant psychiatrist, lecturer and honorary professor at the London Metropolitan University.    The 85 year old is not the sort of person at first sight to produce such a searing critique of racism in the UK and the US and the baleful role psychiatrists have had in treating…