
Race on the Agenda hereby gives notice to its members that our Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the financial year 2021/22 is scheduled to take place on Thursday 25th May 2023 at Resource for London, 356 Holloway Road, London N7 6PA.

Registration for the conference will be will be from 1pm.  The conference will be followed by ROTA's Annual General Meeting for the financial year 2021/22 and will begin at 3:45pm prompt. 


Before the AGM, there will be a special conference: "Thwarted ambitions" Why do some students choose to withdraw from University?.

ROTA's Pilot Study on Higher Education indicates that UK-domiciled students from Global Majority and Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities are more likely to withdraw from university than white students.

What are the factors that influence their choices? Does race discrimination play a part? Please take time to look at this Report, which can be accessed here:

The Pilot Study addresses issues which you may have personal experience or knowledge of if you study or work in the HE sector or are concerned about educational equity and opportunity. We want to hear what you think. 

There conference will be chaired by Professor Gus John, Academic and an Equality and Human Rights Campaigner.


DATE: Thursday, May 25th 2023 

CONFERENCE THEME: Barriers to completing university education    

EVENT HOST: Professor Gus John, Academic and an Equality and Human Rights Campaigner     

VENUE: Resource for London, 356 Holloway Road, London N7 6PA  


  • Registration and refreshments – 1pm
  • Opening Remarks from the Chair – 1:30pm
  • Key Findings – Sasha Mckoy and Eleanor Stokes – 1:45pm
  • Questions and Comments – 2pm
  • Where to next? What needs to be done to address the issue of student withdrawals – 3pm
  • Conference ends and coffee break – 3:30pm
  • ROTA's Annual General Meeting 2021/22 – 3:45pm
  • Close – Close

Registration for the Conference will be from 1pm and the event will begin at 1:30pm  prompt. Refreshments will be provided.

Join us for a panel debate with our allies.   

Places are limited: Book now

The conference will take place from 1:30pm – 3.30pm, which will then be followed by our Annual General Meeting for the financial year 2021/22.  Complete our online booking form available HERE.

If you are unable to attend the AGM and would like to appoint a proxy to attend and vote on your behalf, please contact Saifur Valli on 020 7697 4093, email or download the PROXY FORM HERE and return to

Admission is free. Places are limited and early booking is advisable.