
Race on The Agenda, Black Training and Enterprise Group (BTEG) and The Runnymede Trust are working together to understand the communications capacity and needs of the race equality sector in London and to – hopefully – create more opportunities to collaborate on messaging on race equality.

We’re keen to hear not only from BAMER groups, but also those working on anti-racism agenda and race equality. We’ve created this short survey to gain a sense of capacity and we’d be really grateful if you could take 10 minutes to complete it. Feel free to circulate to any groups you work with and whose voices we need to hear.

As well as the survey, we’ve asked Emma Harrison from IMIX – which supports the refugee and migration sector to build communications capacity – to undertake depth interviews with 20 groups to really get to grips with understanding the communications capacity of our sector. If you have any questions, Emma’s details are on the survey.

Fill in the survey