The following organisations are supporting our PSED campaign:

  1. Afiya Trust
  2. Association of Teachers and Lecturers
  3. Beaumont Society
  4. Beaumont Trust
  5. BME National
  6. British Muslims for Secular Democracy
  7. BTEG
  8. Children's Rights Alliance for England
  9. Coalition for Racial  Justice
  10. Communities Empowerment Network
  11. Coventry Women’s Voices
  12. Criminal Justice Alliance
  13. Croydon BME Forum
  14. Deighton Pierce Glynn Solicitors
  15. Disability Action in Islington
  16. Ealing Equality Council
  17. Encompass Network
  18. Engender
  19. Equality and Diversity Forum
  20. Equality South West
  21. Equanomics UK
  22. Evelyn Oldfield Unit
  23. Fawcett Society
  24. Friends, Families and Travellers
  25. I:ME (BME LGBT group)
  26. Inclusion London
  27. The Institute of Race Relations
  28. Irish Traveller Movement (ITMB)
  29. Just Fair
  30. Leeds Gypsy and Traveller Exchange
  31. LGBT Mental Health Support Group
  32. LGBT Network Wolverhampton
  33. London Friend
  34. London Gypsy and Traveller Unit
  35. London Voluntary Service Council (LVSC)
  36. MBARC
  37. Medway Gender & Sexuality Centre
  38. MENTER
  39. Migrants Resource Centre
  40. National AIDS Trust (NAT)
  41. Newham Monitoring Project
  42. Northern Ireland Council for Ethnic Minorities
  43. Oda-Dua Housing Association
  44. Pink Project
  45. Race Equality Foundation
  46. Race Equality Teaching
  47. Racial Justice in North Yorkshire
  48. Refugee Action
  49. Release
  50. Royal College of Nursing
  51. Runnymede Trust
  52. Southall Black Sisters
  53. Stonewall Housing
  54. Tamil Community Centre
  55. Tamil Information Centre
  56. The Association of Prison Lawyers
  57. The Refugee Council
  58. UNISON
  59. University and College Union
  60. Women's Budget Group
  61. Women’s Equality Network Somerset
  62. Women's Resource Centre
  63. Voice for Change England


Please get your organisation to support this campaign and let us know so we can add you to the list. You can email your organisations support by emailing