The following organisations are supporting our PSED campaign:
- Afiya Trust
- Association of Teachers and Lecturers
- Beaumont Society
- Beaumont Trust
- BME National
- British Muslims for Secular Democracy
- Children's Rights Alliance for England
- Coalition for Racial Justice
- Communities Empowerment Network
- Coventry Women’s Voices
- Criminal Justice Alliance
- Croydon BME Forum
- Deighton Pierce Glynn Solicitors
- Disability Action in Islington
- Ealing Equality Council
- Encompass Network
- Engender
- Equality and Diversity Forum
- Equality South West
- Equanomics UK
- Evelyn Oldfield Unit
- Fawcett Society
- Friends, Families and Travellers
- I:ME (BME LGBT group)
- Inclusion London
- The Institute of Race Relations
- Irish Traveller Movement (ITMB)
- Just Fair
- Leeds Gypsy and Traveller Exchange
- LGBT Mental Health Support Group
- LGBT Network Wolverhampton
- London Friend
- London Gypsy and Traveller Unit
- London Voluntary Service Council (LVSC)
- Medway Gender & Sexuality Centre
- Migrants Resource Centre
- National AIDS Trust (NAT)
- Newham Monitoring Project
- Northern Ireland Council for Ethnic Minorities
- Oda-Dua Housing Association
- Pink Project
- Race Equality Foundation
- Race Equality Teaching
- Racial Justice in North Yorkshire
- Refugee Action
- Release
- Royal College of Nursing
- Runnymede Trust
- Southall Black Sisters
- Stonewall Housing
- Tamil Community Centre
- Tamil Information Centre
- The Association of Prison Lawyers
- The Refugee Council
- University and College Union
- Women's Budget Group
- Women’s Equality Network Somerset
- Women's Resource Centre
- Voice for Change England
Please get your organisation to support this campaign and let us know so we can add you to the list. You can email your organisations support by emailing saifur@rota.org.uk.