The Transformative Justice Project builds upon on the recommendations from the two year Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) and EHRC funded Restoring Relationships Project. The Transformative Justice Project will be delivered through a cross-sector, multi-agency partnership steered by a Forum chaired by CPS London, and consisting of members such as Metropolitan Police Service, ACPO, Probation, NACRO, Victim Support and others. Despite progress, institutional racism within the criminal justice system, the issue of over-representation and concerns such as the use of the Stop and Search Powers remain unaddressed. Evidence from our work suggests that these gaps will be better addressed through genuine partnership models between agencies and sectors.

On March 11th 2009, ROTA launched its Transformative Justice Project with an evening reception at the Equalities and Human Rights Commission. The event had a focus on the 10 year anniversary of the Macpherson Inquiry, with high profile speakers, including Trevor Phillips, Dru Sharpling, Doreen Lawrence, Cindy Butts and Elena Noel sharing their positions on areas ranging from the value of restorative justice, hate crime in schools to the changing face of institutionalised racism. This will go on to inform the work of ROTA's 4 year Transformative Justice Project.

Click below to listen to speakers from the launch event.

Dr Theo Gavrielides, Chief Executive of ROTA

Trevor Phillips, Chair of EHRC – Part 1

Trevor Phillips, Chair of EHRC – Part 2

Trevor Phillips, Chair of EHRC – Part 3

Trevor Phillips, Chair of EHRC – Part 4


For more information, please contact Ewan Kennedy.

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