Press Release: 1 July 2009

On 30th June 09, Race on the Agenda and MiNet launched a report detailing the impact of the recession on Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) communities and their sector. The launch took place at an event where London Councils and Government Office for London attended as keynote speakers. The project was funded by CapacityBuilders, Office of the Third Sector, Big Lottery Fund and NAVCA.

The report was welcomed. It highlights the immediate action required by Government and local authorities to ensure London's most marginalised and vulnerable communities do not become further isolated.

Dr Theo Gavrielides, Chief Executive of ROTA said: "The recession has come at a particularly difficult time for the BAME sector with many unwelcome changes taking place across the policy landscape. This being particularly the case as we are still dealing with the aftermath of the community cohesion guidance".

The report draws attention to the disproportionate impact the economic downturn has had, and will continue to impose on the BAME sector, whilst offering different approaches that have been adopted to ease financial strains. The report is backed by evidence from London's BAME third sector organisations who work directly with the most marginalised BAME communities. To download the report
