Press Release: 9 April 2008

Race On The Agenda (ROTA) hosted a conference on the 8th April 2008 at the University College Union Conference Centre to launch the final report of the "Restoring Relationships Project". The event disseminated the findings and recommendations of the two year research and policy report "Addressing hate crime through restorative justice and cross-sector partnerships", which aims to reduce the potential for hate crime, to assess the applicability of restorative justice with hate crime and encourage multi-agency partnerships in London.

The event was chaired by ROTA's chief executive Dinah Cox, and speeches were made by Bennett Obong from the Metropolitan Police Authority, Elena Noel from Southwark Mediation Centre and George Mills from the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

The final report is available on the ROTA website at Other Publications and a post-conference report will be disseminated shortly.

ROTA has also been successful in securing funding from London Councils and the Equality and Human Rights Commission to continue the project for another year starting in September.

For further information, contact Theo Gavrielides, or Giulia Liberatore, and Anthony Salla,
