ROTA's policy work is evidence based in the sense that everything we do is informed by the views and real life experiences of BAME communities and the organisations that are set up to serve them. We collect this evidence through:

  1. In-depth, research reaching the most marginalised groups in the country
  2. The ROTA based networks of MiNet and TJF
  3. National and regional events, consultations and conferences
  4. The ROTA membership to national and regional policy and decision making bodies
  5. Working in partnership with others.

ROTA's current priority policy areas are:

  • Crime and restorative justice policy and practice
  • Pan-equalities and human rights policy and legislation
  • Legislation and institutional changes affecting the BAME Third Sector
  • Health inequalities and public services
  • National and regional governance

For historical and demographic reasons, our work prioritises London, but our activities and a number of our projects have national and international significance. To this end we work in close partnership with our membership and others interested in race equality, human rights and the promotion of good relations.

Our presence in London is enhanced by our regional networks, MiNet and TJF.

MiNet is the London focused BAME network of networks, which joined ROTA in 2002 to strengthen the voice for London's BAME Third Sector in the development of regional policy.

Transformative Justice Forum (TJF) is a regional forum bringing together key criminal justice organisations from across sectors to work in partnership at a strategic level to provide policy support and representation of issues affecting groups that are highly victimised.

Nationally, ROTA is leading on the "Winning the Race Coalition" of third sector organisations aiming to influence race equality legislation.